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My Writings

Ok, so I got an idea that may or may not work out. If this page is no longer accessible, then you'll know I gave up. Every week, probably on the weekend (Depending on work) I will upload a little story to this page for you to enjoy. Now some of you may be like "NOOO! I don't want to read!" Don't click on the page link. Problem solved. :) See that? I help people.



It would be nice to be a bird. They need not worry about work, or money or responsibilities. When they tire of their nest, they simply spread their wings and leave. They miss nothing, for they neither have nor need anything. The ground itself teems with food that only they would eat, and their wings let them go anywhere.

Humans always dreamed of flight, and it was not until millions of years after we evolved that we actually achieved it through vastly complex and expensive machinery. When we wish to fly, we must leave our home, often at the crack of dawn, and go to an airport, where only after waiting in numerous lines, being molested by airport staff, stripping ourselves of all metal to walk through gates, only to be beeped at anyway due to the coin you left in your pocket, or the button on your jacket, only then may we trudge into the waiting area, laden by our heavy luggage, to find our plane has been delayed by an hour.

If we want to get to the top of a high wall, we must spend months training ourselves to climb or wall run, and even after that perform a ridiculous procedure requiring exertion, and in most cases, get arrested while doing so.

Compare this to birds, they go anywhere, any time. They rarely bother to land on a wall, and rather just fly over it. And honestly now, look into the eyes of a bird, see the piercing gaze of a hawk, or the ponderous gaze of an owl, and you will see that their mind has blossomed. You will see that they have a wisdom that we humans have yet to grasp, and even if we do understand, stand incapable of implementing it. They understand that life is meant to be lived on the wing.