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School Stuff

*Sigh* Yes, sadly, my academic life has flowed into my blog. Ah well, there's a reason.

Some of you may have noticed by now that when I say "I'll email this thing to you" it rarely goes out. SO: I'll stick it here. And if you download something not meant for you... well... hey, it's your data allowance...

Either way... Enjoy this puppy.

Yes... It's a puppy. What of it?

I upload through MediaFire, just click on the links, it will come up with the MediaFire page, then, after a brief load, click on "Click here to start download"
An idiot could do it. I'll let you know if I compressed or not.


Biology Notes: (Last Updated 28/2/11) Filetype: PDF (WIP)   DOWNLOAD


A Periodic Table - Download the crap out of it.

Chemistry Notes: (Last Updates 28/2/11) Filetype: PDF (WIP)  DOWNLOAD