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Thursday, January 27, 2011

I hate to break it to you, but...

The plot-holes in Twilight are too substantial to ignore.

1. Bella must choose between beastiality and necrophila, yet this is romantic?
2. Edward willing exposes himself in sunlight to a human (Don;t even get me started on the sparkling) and nothing happens. However in the NEXT MOVIE, doing so means certain death.
3.Warewolves CANNOT change form at will; only on the full moon, involuntarily. And when they do, they have no self-control.
4. Vampires and Werewolves are NOT enemies. Vampires actually control werewolves.
5. It is so painfully obvious that the Cullins family are vampires that one can conclude that the entire town is retarded.
6. Edward is also an idiot. Why would an immortal date someone who they don't want to 'burden' with their gift? Is there anything more depressing than watching your soul-mate die while you don't even age?
7. Bella is not at all concerned that her vampiric boyfriend has been breaking into her house at watching her sleep for an unspecified length of time.
8. Why does no-one find it odd that Edward can successfully Falcon Punch a car?
9. Continuing from number 8, why is the owner of the car not at all upset about this?
10. BELLA GET'S PREGNANT! Vampires are the UNDEAD. They are incapable of producing sperm. Even if they were, I'm fairly certain that their genetic oddities, such as their ability to Falcon Punch eachother, or their sparkliness, would remove them from the human gene pool.

Enough of Twilight now.

Glee proves that the whole can be LESS than the sum of its parts. They take two reasonable songs, ram them into eachother: the end result: Crap.

Also, if a coach, or any other staff member acted like the coach does, they wouldn't be in that job for very long.

Also: The supposedly 'Nice' founder of Glee plants drugs on a student to blackmail him into joining. WTF!?!?

How Harry Potter should have ended.

Voldemort: Thanks for bringing me back to life Wormtail! :D
Wormtail: Harry's over there.
Voldemort: Coolies. AVADA KEDAVRA! Ok, now, I made a horcrux out of him, so, bury him now. He'll be coming back to life soon, so won't he be surprised when he's encased in concrete.

And then Voldemort went on to kill everyone.

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