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Sunday, February 20, 2011

Steampunk! :D

Before I begin: I haven't posted for a long time, and I apologise for that... if you were upset... then... seriously... get a life. ANYWHO...

I'd like to take a moment of you time to talk about a sci-fi genre known as 'Steampunk,' which is truly AWESOME when it manifests itself in art form. If you already know what steampunk is, ignore the following text block.

Steampunk is a form of speculative fiction that asks the question "What would the past be like if the future had happened sooner?" Now, while this could snowball into a large philosophical debate, which would likely include quite a lot of religion bashing, it generally tends to result in complex artworks involving steampowered robots. Now some of these can look REALLY cool. Think of Van Helsing, and you kinda get the idea.

So today, I'd like to share some truly awesome pics of steampunk with you. THAT'S RIGHT! MY FIRST PIC POST! WOOT!

Steampunk Airship

A Steampunk Revolver. Note the brass colour, this is a main feature of Steampunk

Flying Airships (No, Really? :P)

 Man's best friend, Steampunk Style.

 Some kind of robot octopus... I dunno... looks cool though.
(I love the guy with the gun. "This may be useless, but I do not care!")

I may post more later, or I may not... if you want more, just Google it. Mayeb a cyperpunk post at some point? Eh... depends on whether or not I can be bothered.

Anyway, enjoy the pictures... hopefully the blog will have more in the future.

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